Friday, January 31, 2014

The Bread Crumbs

Since the last residency I have been working on consolidating the comments and information given to me. But unlike the first residency I do not have wildly diverging ideas of paths to take. The basic gist was keep going and find a way to truly dig into what your art is about. 

I have been drawing in sketch books but no new and exiting ideas have yet to emerge. So while priming my very large tarp (a process far more time consuming than I remember) I began to watch netflix. I watched Style Wars a 1983 documentary about graffiti artists, Inside: Pixar a documentary about Disney's Pixar animations studios, and lastly Room 237 a documentary exploring hidden meaning in the film The Shining. While reading Mira Schor's Wet in-between documentaries. 

The decision to watch each of these documentaries tells me more about what my specific interests are and I hope through this I will be able to get a stronger grasp on why it is I make art and what it means to me. Questions I am presently unable to adequately answer for myself. 

With Room 237 I feel I am following a trail of bread crumbs. The book "The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales" by Bruno Bettelheim was referenced, which I will begin reading. As well as the movie Eyes Wide Shut also by Kubrick. By following my interests in one area I have found more material. Which really, was the whole point of Ben Sloat's seminar this residency regarding Artist Research. 

With all these new thoughts and an tarp ready to go I am exited for what will surface over the coming semester. 

Tarps In Prep Phase . . .