Monday, December 16, 2013

The Final Count Down . . .

SO I can't believe that this semester is just about over. 
I feel my work has changed and developed greatly over the course of the semester. I was completely lucky to have such a wonderful mentor Joanne Freeman. She encouraged me to get away from literal associations and to create my own original cartoon images. In these last few weeks I have been introducing drawing materials mainly ink and pencil onto collaged canvases. I like the delicate effect created. Joanne suggested that my work was moving into improbable fantasy landscapes and illusionistic space contrasted by abstract flat space. Creating what I feel is an interesting tension, something I will continue to explore. 

I am also continuing with more graphic work as well as the drawings on canvas.

Back to the pink again. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Drawings in the Pink

Its been a while since my last post but I've been in the studio quite a lot lately and feel like my work is starting to take an new and exiting direction. The blob like shapes are morphing into new and more interesting shapes while retaining their cartoon roots. My mentor has been pushing me to consider the background which, until the last few days I felt was nearly impossible, my background had been white for so long. I feel like I have made a break through this week and am finding ways to engage the background without over powering the shapes and lines which are my main interest. 
 I'v been working on a large piece for a while now and although it is not yet finished I feel like it is/will lead somewhere. I have worked on a painters tarp which for me seems to be better for my work. 

Anyways Happy Drawing . . .  

The Studio 

The Tarp 

An experiment 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fleshy Pinks & Works in Progress

Here are some works in progress. (Some pictured in my last post.) I'm still working with grey and drawing materials, but now I'm introducing a fleshy kind of pink color.

This one lost a great deal of detail in the photo 

The Large Experiment in Progress 


Monday, October 28, 2013

Back In Action

After a cold that just wouldn't quit (the joys of teaching kindergarten) I am back in the studio! My mentor has suggested that I continue thinking about my work abstractly and suggested I use more found color through drawing materials. She also suggested I try to engage the background of my work, creating a space rather than allowing these shapes to simply float on the surface. While I like this idea I am finding it hard to think in terms of background when I have essentially ignored it for so long. The white background has become such an essential aspect of my work I am finding it difficult to step away from.

Finally a finished piece!
This reminds me of old disney sketches some how, like steam boat Micky, but there are no recognizable images. 

experiments with line, shape and found paper as a grid 

A very LARGE experiment
not sure where exactly I am going with it but its fun working BIG! 

Work very much in progress
attempt to use the shapes text forms on a page to engage background 

Work in progress
an attempt to engage the background 

continuation of previous work adding in the grey as suggested 

Continuation of previous work
Starting to regret the color combination and low quality paint on this one 

Friday, October 11, 2013

More New Work!

I'v taken the advice of my mentor and focused more on abstraction rather than literal translations of the cartoons my work is based on. I have also continued my work with collage but have been experimenting with grids. I have found, with the collage, that the meaning of the text is no longer as important as the visual effect it creates as a background. 

I have been looking at the work of Sue Williams and Tim Rollins lately. 

Working with a grid  

Playing with some kinda gross color combinations

A work very much in process 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Staying Pink . . . for now.

A few things I have been working on. . . 

My mentor encouraged me to be less figurative and and more abstract. I am playing with that idea while maintaining my cartoonish lines. I am also continuing with the pink from the pink elephant drawings but here pushing it further with a neon pink paint. 

Works in progress from today 

Something I've been playing with for a few days now . . . 




Monday, September 23, 2013

Studio Day . . . .

Monday in the Studio . . . 

New series based on the previous pink elephants
(better images to follow) 

Still in progress